Hey there DWEB community,. We hope you had a good holiday and excited for what 2023 has in store — we certainly are.

12 Jan 2023, 03:40
Hey there DWEB community, We hope you had a good holiday and excited for what 2023 has in store we certainly are! Wanted to share an important announcement regarding a topic that so many have been asking us about as well as suggesting ideas for: expanding $DWEB liquidity, DEX support and overall future health of $DWEB as well as the network itself. As many of you suggested, and pointed to parallel models that have been successful, we will be implementing a combination of $DWEB liquidity-boosting and network investment + expansion mechanisms which we feel will address the liquidity, expansion/support, key new features and development, and network robustness that you have been asking for. To do this, we will be implementing a small $2 SLD registration/minting fee for new purchases starting on Feb. 1, 2023 which will be used as follows: -25% of the fee ($0.50) used to buyback $DWEB tokens per $DWEB-supporting DEX -25% of the fee ($0.50) used to pair with $DWEB buyback tokens from above and add as liquidity to said DEX. The remaining 50% will be split evenly (25/25) between DWEB technical & product development and DAO wallets to scale new development and maintenance/robustness of the DWEB network. After much consideration and inputs from several of you in the community, we felt that this small $2 level representing the right balance of low cost and high resulting value for anyone investing in DWEB domains and the $DWEB token, given the significant impact on overall liquidity, industry support, awareness and new adoption, and network robustness. Some of you rightly pointed out that this small fee is really an, “investment in yourself, in your own purchase” rather than so many other examples of “maintenance fees” and transaction fees with no net value back to the purchaser. So to that end, we are excited to see exactly what this will do, particularly over time, and will also look forward to more feedback from all of you as to how well it’s working. As with any such change, we’ll monitor effectiveness and impact very closely and if needed can make additional changes to ensure we’re doing the right thing for the DWEB community and future of $DWEB. Thanks again to all of you who have been part of this decision community involvement has been critical here. Go DWEB! The Decentraweb Team